Monday, October 3, 2011

Locus Terra Opening THIS weekend!!!

This Friday, October 7th, we will be having a potluck, panel discussion/presentation and opening for Locus Terra. (below: work by Roberta Polfus)

This is a juried exhibition including ceramic artists who have been involved with Terra Incognito in the past ten years. (below: work by Chris Plummer)

Participating artists include:

Linda Abrams
Barbe Asta
Kathy Balk
Gregory Colombe
Mary Dye
Kevin Foy
Nancy Gardner
Stacey Grieff
Nancy Desert Lizard Heraty
Seana Higgins
Linda Hillman
Kit Jones
Meg Keeffe
Joe Krasean
Peter Lenzo
Stephen Mickey
Karen E Murphy
Patrice Murtha
Soumya Netrible
Yukiko Nyhan
Don Pilcher
Chris Plummer
Roberta Polfus
Gina Lee Robbins
Cheryl Ryan
Andrew Sankowski
John Spiteri
David Toan
Charity White

In conjunction with Chicago Artists Month 2011, Locus Terra will be shown from October 7th through November 2nd 2011. The theme of this exhibition centers around the idea of community, place, and networking, aligning with the over all theme title, 'Artful Networks'. Below is a description of Chicago Artists' Month this year:

The 2011 theme, Artful Networks, explores the communities that nurture and inspire Chicago artists and their work. The people with whom artists choose to work can be supportive in encouraging creative growth, experimentation, dialogue among peers, and community building. Ranging from traditional residency programs to collaboratives to informal relationships, our communities impact the way we create, support, and appreciate art. (below: work by Karen E. Murphy)

In addition to the month-long exhibition, Terra Incognito will be hosting a potluck and panel discussion/presentation at 6pm on opening night of Locus Terra. Artists Mary Dye, John Spiteri, Nancy Gardner, Chris Plummer, and Seana Higgins will speak of their experience working in a variety of studio environments and how it has informed and/or changed their work through the years. (below: work by Mary Dye)

Please help spread the word about this exhibit throughout this week and month of October! Feel free to print the .pdf of the show flyer found at the beginning of this post and hang it in your local community or send to your email list.

Thank you, and we hope to see you at the event!!


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